Building Information Modeling Management

Link Your Data with Your Physical Structures with BIM: Create, Update, and Reimagine Your Operation

What BIM Management Can Do For You

  • Make Your Space Purposeful

    The core of your operation lies within your space, underscoring the importance of comprehending its usage to effectively meet operational needs. Assess whether spaces align with their intended purpose, meet predicted frequency, and serve a sufficient number of team members to justify their designated use. Ensure your space is optimized for your operation by utilizing data insights, whether contemplating changes to the layout or maintaining the current configuration

  • Easily Reimagine Spaces

    Would some of your seating space be better utilized as lab space or storage? Rather than investing in new space prematurely, maximize the potential of your existing layout by leveraging data and gaining insights through visualization with BIM (Building Information Modeling)

  • Find Your Inventory

    Searching through multiple storage closets can be a thing of the past when you link your data with 3D space models. Leverage your inventory and asset data with BIM to easily find your assets, supplies, and spare parts within your 3D model

  • Connect Your 3D Models

    With Data Integration, you wont have to spend hours making the same minor update on multiple different models. Your 3D model can function as a single source of truth, where updates made there will automatically carry over to all affiliated models, saving your team hours

How We Define BIM Management

Facility Scanning

Explore a practical shift in facility management through our straightforward facility scanning services, offering detailed 3D models of your space. Gain a deeper understanding of your environment for informed decision-making, whether you're optimizing space or planning renovations.

Our service provides a simple, effective way to enhance operational efficiency with an easy file upload into your existing space management system. We will work with what you already have, no need to have to use our systems. Step into a new era of facility management with our practical 3D modeling solutions.

P&ID Maintenance

P&ID Drawings are required for functional space planning, and are typically neglected after site construction. With each new asset added, removed, or moved, your P&ID drawings should be updated to aid your maintenance process.

We’re experts at seamlessly updating your P&ID drawings, no matter how small or large the change.

AutoCad to Revit Transformation

Navigating the transition from 2D to 3D is a significant undertaking. Our expertise ensures a smooth and efficient process, allowing you to unlock the full potential of three-dimensional insights for your facility.

Trust us to guide you through this transformative journey, turning your data and space transformation into a streamlined process

Tandem Utilization

Datamura is among the first to have embraced Tandem software. Our early adoption has equipped us with an in-depth understanding of the software's features and functionalities.

By leveraging Tandem, we bring a wealth of experience to the table, ensuring that your facility scanning process is not only seamless but also maximizes the potential offered by this innovative software. Count on our expertise to navigate the intricacies of Tandem, making your journey from 2D to 3D even more robust and efficient.

Tandem Implementation
P&ID Maintenance
Facility Scanning Camera
AtuoCad to Revit Transition
P&ID Creation

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