Data Curation

Discover The Power of Your Data Through Data Curation: The Process of Creating, Organizing, and Maintaining Data With A Mindset of Accessibility for All Stakeholders

What Can Data Curation Do For You

  • Give Your Data Integrity

    Clean data is data you can trust, and data you can base your decisions on. Whether it be ROI improvement, project timelines, facility utilization decisions, data can add the foundation necessary for confident decision making.

  • Easily Maintain The Data

    Once your asset list is validated and your data cleaned, you’ll have a great foundation to maintain the data for the future.

  • Trust Your Reporting

    Timely data that is without duplicates, invalid entries, and is accurately displaying pertinent information, you’ll be able to confidently make decisions on your monthly or weekly reports

  • Have An Accurate Picture Of Your Assets

    All too often our facilities’ assets fall behind as life progresses after construction or installation, which results in an inaccurate count of assets. An inaccurate count of assets bottlenecks maintenance planning, scheduling, and spare part inventory curation.

How We Define Data Curation

Master Asset List Validation

While you may have an asset list, how much do you trust it? When was the last time your Master Asset List was validated, old assets removed, new assets added, and to how granular is the list? How comfortable are you making your next decisions for your operation based on that current list?

We are here to validate and update your Master Asset List, so your operation can have the confidence in your data for your next project.

Total Asset Walkdown

One way we can validate your Master Asset List is by conducting a thorough asset cataloging service. This will let us cross check against your system to find what is missing, what has not been added yet, or dig deeper into your definition of what an asset is.

What Makes Our Asset Cataloging Service Different:

  • 2x Faster Than Traditional Walkdown Services

  • Full Service, We’ll Do It For You, No Application or Barcode Stickers Needed

  • Our Master Asset List Includes Pictures Of Each Asset, To Easily Find The Asset in Field or At the Desk

  • Easily Export Our Data Into Your Existing System, You Won’t Have to Change Your System And Use Ours - We’ll Work With What You Already Have

Data Cleaning

With too many hands in the pot, and without a standardized way to enter data, your data’s integrity will diminish and your ability to make confident data-driven decisions decreases too.

With Data Cleaning, We Will:

  • Remove Duplicate Data Entries

  • Remove & Fix Data Entries With Spelling Errors

  • Fix Incorrect Data Entries

  • Complete Incomplete Data Entries

  • Review Data Entry Process For Better Data Practices

Data Curation Checklist
Fast Data Cleaning
Fast Asset Tagging, Asset Cataloging, Asset Walkdown
Asset Management, Data Curation

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